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Making Connections

This month, October 2018, marks one year since I made the choice to be an entrepreneur. Making that decision was not easy, but I made it. Although times get hard, I will not quit, I will continue to grow myself and my business at my own pace. Most of my knowledge comes from previous work experience. Although from a different industry, I am able to cross reference the skills and knowledge I have learned. So far, it has gotten me through one whole year!
There is still a lot I don’t know, and while researching, I realized why. I’m missing a component; Human interaction. Experience is the best teacher, and the best teacher of experience is someone besides yourself. This lowers your chances of opportunities for failure or mishap. Being able to discuss, or even learn from someone who has experienced what you may face.
Connecting with people in search for potential clients is a must, however, connections with possible business partners or mentors are just as important.
In the past 2 years, I attended 4 networking events and have noticed I’m missing the professional element of social networking. I network just find in a social or entertaining environment, but professional settings made me a little uncomfortable. I wouldn’t speak to people, I would feel very awkward or out of place. Especially since I had yet to determine my purpose.
The first one I attended, inspired me to be an entrepreneur. The second, helped be to free myself from self-doubt and fear. The third, helped me pin point my purpose. By the last event I was a quest speaker!
Speaking in front of strangers in a mall gave me a new confidence. I worked the event like the professional I had become. But there was one thing; a potential client asked me to connect with her on LinkedIn and I could not because I did not have an account. She was not into social media, and only used it for professional purposes. This got me to thinking.
Now that I know my purpose, and am actively working to manifest success through my purpose and business, it’s time to add that additional element.
I’m sure there are other platforms out there to connect professionally with like-minded people in my industry and loc’d community, but for starters I made a LinkedIn account. It’s still taking me a little time to get used to, but I’m sure I’ll make useful connections at some point.
In the meantime, feel free to leave a comment below of a professional social media platform that you may find useful and connect to me as well! Talk to you soon!


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